Is your dog the cutest dog ever dressed for winter on facebook? Enter a photo of your dog dressed for winter and win $100 to spend at http://www.onlyhangers.com/ and 25 dog coat hangers.
Simply "Like" this page and upload your photo along with the dogs name, breed and owners name. Then share and get all of your friends to vote by "liking" the photo. Whoever has the most votes at the end of the contest wins!
To upload your entry, "Like" our page, then click on the "Dog Dressed for Winter Photo Contest" tab at the top of our wall. Upload the photo, entering the dog's name, breed and owners name in the "Say something about this photo" comment box. When your upload is complete, click on your picture for "Tagging", "Liking", and "Sharing" options. Please share your photo with as many people as possible so that they can vote for your dog's photo. You may want to remind them that they need to "Like" the Hangers page before they can vote. People can view entries on our facebook wall or by clicking on the "Photos" tab at the left-hand side of the page.
Dogs can be any breed, age or size.
Enter on Facebook at http://bit.ly/UIUbCk
Contest Ends on March 15, 2013