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Keeping your home in order can be nearly impossible for today's busy families. Having children means that you have a pressing need to stay organized, but everything you do can seem to quickly become undone if you're not careful. A growing family has changing needs, so it can seem impossible to keep up with it all. Do you feel like as soon as you finish organizing one area of your family's life another one hits the crisis mode? You're not alone. Keeping track of all of your family's essentials is hard because it's difficult to coordinate everyone's needs on a daily basis. Use these tips to keep up with your life and theirs!

Start by identifying the most troubling problems. Does your family come home from school and work only to immediately destroy your house? School work, coats, shoes, socks, hats, cell phones, wallets, lap-tops, sports equipment, back packs and more can feel like an avalanche of stuff for you to sort out before the next day begins. Creating areas of your home's entryway that are specifically meant to handle these items can help you nip the most common organization problems in the bud. Finding ways to easily organize your kids' things can help you to keep your house straight, cut down on frustrations and avoid losing things that you need as they're run

Lockers, cabinets, or entryway storage benches can do the trick. Make everything easy to access and divide sections by person or type. Hooks, bins, seats, and places to quickly and easily hang coats can keep the family from tracking all of their stuff into the main living areas of your home. Mail, shoes, hats and more should have an easy to use area by the door. If your family avoids the coat closet, try installing a hanging bar by the door. Stock it with wooden hangers that are great for any type of coat. Studies show that people are more likely to put shoes into cubbies if they can kick them in. They'll use a hanger by the door more than they will a hanger in a coat closet. They'll slide their lap-tops, mail, keys, and other items onto a small shelf, but are less likely to open the top of a container to put them in. Making everything easy access means that your family will have a much easier time getting used to their new routines.

After assessing your normal organization sabotaging hazards, you can move on to thinking about the future problems that may arise. For example, if your son has recently become obsessed with a collection of cards, then you might want to go ahead and give him a container that is big enough to protect his cards, divide them into categories, and has plenty of empty space for new cards coming in. If your daughter is getting her first cell phone this year, go ahead and wire her cubby for a charger just like you and your spouse's.

If you have a baby, having a convenient system can help you keep all of those necessities organized. Extras like diapers, wipes, blankets, burp cloths, and clothes can be kept right by the door. Baskets can help you to hide things so that they are still easy access but don't make the room look junky.

Make sure that everything coming into your home has its place. Make sure that your coat closet and entryway are stocked with plenty of clothes hangers or coat hangers. People are likely to notice when hangers are empty and use them, than they are to dig for the one available hanger in the already cramped coat closet. Of course, you'll run into things that you didn't expect along the way, but keeping up with things might be easier than you ever thought possible.

About the Author: Jo Granville is on the staff of Only Hangers, a leading online resource for all types of clothes hangers. For more information, please visit